Ph.: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes Portrait of Don Juan Martin Goicoechea, 1790 © Zaragoza MuseumWith the major event at Palazzo Reale “Goya And The Modern World” (“Goya e il mondo moderno”), Milan is paying a great tribute to the art of Spanish master Francisco Goya (1746-1828), also exploring his impact on future generations of artists.

This wide-ranging exhibition of over 180 works brings together paintings, etchings and drawings from across Europe, mostly by Goya, but also looking at the Spaniard’s influence on key artists after his death, including works by Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock, Francis Bacon, Willem De Kooning, Oskar Kokoschka and Eugene Delacriox among others.
The exhibition is divided into five different sections and explores three key themes in Goya’s output. The first one considers the move towards the industrial age and the birth of new social collectives and this covers the first two sections of the show, encompassing work and portraits. The portraits area draws direct comparisons between Goya’s work and that of Delacroix from Uffizi and Chaim Soutine, but also includes a renowned self-portrait from the Spanish master on loan from Madrid’s Prado Museum. In the same area there are portraits of Carlo IV King and Maria Luisa Queen, together with the wonderful “Mujer con mantilla” by Pablo Picasso. The second theme explores individual responses to this new way of life, contrasting modern expressions of behaviour with traditional stereotypes.
In the section entitled “Everyday Life”, Goya’s work, like the wonderful “L’Arrotino”, “La lattaia di Bordeaux” or “Il Muratore ubriaco”, is considered alongside that of Honore Daumier and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. The stamina of the person determines how long generic levitra australia the stiffness lasts. The mineral extract is viagra generika 100mg prepared in herbal solutions and the compounds undergo a series of steps of purification. You ought to viagra prescription free understand the nature of the problem and you solve your problem immediately. This solution must be checked on deliberately with commander cialis a restorative expert instantly on the off chance that you encounter midsection torment, queasiness, or whatever other distresses amid sex, look for prompt medicinal help. The following area is entitled “Comic and Grotesque spotlights – the absurdities of modern life”: Goya’s fascination with the “foibles and follies” of society were central to his series of 80 satirical prints known as the “Caprichos”, a number of which are on show here. In this section Joan Miro’s “Donne e uccelli nella notte” and “Personaggio con grandi baffi”, Paul Klee’s “Artide arredata” and Picasso masterpieces are offsetting Goya’s.
The last theme embraces the darkness in Goya’s work more fully, looking at his depiction of violence and terror. One section, entitled simply “Violence”, shows works by Salvator Dali, Renato Guttuso and Picasso and their drawings give a real representation of war and its dramatic consequences, not only in terms of immediate personal suffering, but also in the wider context of its transformational impact on society.

“The Shout” is the final area where paintings by Pollock, Bacon and Anselm Kiefer pick up the theme in much later eras: it’s the dark mirror of the earlier portraiture section, with faces twisted in terror and the enormous Antonio Saura’s “La grande follia”.

Goya And The Modern World (Goya e il mondo moderno)

Palazzo Reale – Duomo 12 – Milan

Until June 27th, 2010

Opened daily from 9.00 to 19.30

Monday from 14.30 to 19.30 – Thursday and saturday from 9.30 to 22.30

Prices : € 9,00 – € 7,50

Infoline – tel. 02 54910