Ph. © PalkettostageThe show is clearly sold out, the enthusiasm is almost palpable even before the beginning … it will fill the theatre all the performance through. As a matter of fact expectations are more than matched. ‘’Fame’’ has been the symbol of chasing dreams and seeing them come true, thanks to strength and sacrifice for about three decades now and nowadays teenagers feel the same excitement we felt in the 90ies, when the series was first broadcast on TV in Italy.

Boys and girls all want to be Serena, Nick, Carmen, Schlomo, they probably wish they could live the same adrenaline, the same efforts and why not, the same love stories … which is good. According to the newest research, Vitamin D increases the risk of heart stroke, congestive heart failure * High or low blood pressure, * Kidney or liver disorder,* Bleeding disorder as well as stomach ulcer’s * Penile deformities Now to move on to the next big question as to whether Vitamin D really increases your sexual performance and can be effective in increasing sperm count. viagra prescription Not only they but if you are facing diabetes even then there are higher chances. commander levitra Sex is cheap viagra excessively critical a piece of your budget, try ordering your medication from the most trusted sources only. These pills can be click here for more info viagra uk taken by people of any age. This tells us that times change but feelings don’t and this is a story of feelings, desires, self delusion, and sometimes also of disenchantment we all went through to grow up.

Perfectly in line with the ‘’file rouge’’ of Palkettostage’s season called ‘’Inganni e Sentimenti’’ (Feelings and Deceits), the show deserves the success it obtained, not only because the plot is well known and always current, but mainly because of an absolutely brilliant cast: eight young actors, singers and dancers, so talented, so professional, it is a pity they are only three days on stage here in Milan.

As always Palkettostage offers a performance meant for students, to introduce them to theatre as well as to help them improve their knowledge of foreign languages, but the choice of ‘’Fame’’ really strikes their inner chords.

The quality of this show, the original choreography and the multi-functional set, that through quick and easy move varies from a dance classroom into a dark street in New York make this show more than worth seeing!


FAME the Musical by David De Silva e Jose Fernandez

Music by Jacques Levy & Steve Margoshes

Authorize by M.T.I. – New York –

Milan, Carcano Theatre, 15th February 2010, h. 9 p.m.

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